Saturday 29 November 2008

Thoughts In The Night

Assalamu Alaikum WaRahmatullah

I haven't posted here in a while now- reason being i haven't had much inspiration to write lately....however something is better than nothing so here goes.

I'v been batteling insomnia for a while now. Not good i have to tell you, insomnia, most of the time lack of sleep makes me more energetic the following day, but there are times when you just want to topple down in a dead sleep during work etc.

I lie awake during the silent hours of late night and early morning and wonder about life. with the sliver of light filtering in through my bedroom door, and the slight light from the street lamps outside, everything seems to slot into place and the little puzzles of the day soon make sense. I think back to the things that made me happy and rejoice, thank the almighty. i think about the things that upset me; petty talk, people etc, and lose the clearness for a while. But the longer i stay awake, the more i realize that Allah has blessed me with so much, i should take the difficult times as tests from the almighty and do shukr for all the things he has blessed me with. Alhamdulillah.
And SubhanAllah, even something as annoying as Insomnia can be a source of good; in my case contemplation on the blessings of Allah. so SubhanAllah that in everything that we go through, there is some wisdom behind it.

Wa'alaikum as salam waRahmatullah

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